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Here are a few of the Local and International Non-Profits, NGOs, and small businesses that we help support.

Charity Water
"Bringing fresh water to the third world"

Charity Water Blessings Salon Spa Aveda Bellingham WA Fairhaven

Whatcom Hospice
"Providing compassion and caring to our community"

Blessings Salon Spa Supports the Whatcom Hospice Foundation in Bellingham WA Fairhaven

Puget Sound Keeper
"Protecting and enhancing the waters of Puget Sound"

Blessings Salon Spa helps support Puget Soundkeeper Bellingham WA Aveda Fairhaven

Whatcom Humane Society
"Caring for animals since 1902"

Blessings Salon Spa helps support Whatcom Humane Society Bellingham WA Aveda Fairhaven

The Historic Fairhaven District
"Explore the history, and the local shops and services"

Blessings Salon Spa helps support Historic Fairhaven Bellingham WA Aveda Fairhaven

The breathtaking Washington State Nature Photography of Peter James

PJ Mount Baker.jpeg

We will be adding more of our friends to this page soon!

Blessings Salon and Spa, is locate at 1112 11th St Suite 201 Bellingham WA 98225  -  Phone us at (360) 671-9650  -  Email us at

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